Valley Of The Moon

An Ideal Place For Adventure

We Are With You To Create Fun And Excitement


A wonderful and unique experience by riding on this large and domestic animal, to feel the beauty of the desert by riding on the most famous animal in it .


It is so nice to feel nature touching your feet, skiing, sand blasting, exploring the vast desert, ancient ruins and red sand hills.


Riding open jeeps is one of the most exciting experiences through which you can enjoy the natural scenery and see deserts and golden sands.


Camping and sleeping under the sky will make you feel like you are sleeping in space, surrounded by millions of stars that you can see .

Wadi Rum Desert

Wadi Rum also called Valley of the Moon is a very spectacular desert resort, situated in south of Jordan, about 70 km. to the north of Aqaba.

Wadi Rum is very famous for its high mountains and pink sand. Actually, its as famous as Petra, one of the world’s seven wonders. It’s a popular tourist attraction for those whom nature provokes them to explore it and its desert beauty.

To read more interesting facts about Wadi Rum

Our Wadi Rum Luxury Tours Camp

Wadi Rum is located in a distinctive and quiet place, and we have carefully created our camps and places to be safe and picturesque at the same time, as the place is wonderful at sunrise and sunset, and it is close to all tourist sites and public activities that visitors can enjoy throughout the day, morning, noon, and night Their experience with us will be one they will never forget and will always look forward to repeating

Lovely Local People - Bedouins

Virtually all the people living in and around Wadi Rum are of Bedouin origin and, until recently, led nomadic lives, relying on their goat herds. They belong to seven tribal groups, of which the three largest are the Zalabia tribe who make up the majority of people living in Rum Village (see Rum map); as Rum village is the only village inside the protected area; the Zalabia tribe is largely responsible for tourism services and operate many of the jeep and camel tours. These services are organized through the Rum Tourism Cooperative, a locally run society that shares the tourism business between the villagers.

The other prominent tribal group is the Zweideh tribe, based in the villages of Disi on the northern edge of the protected area. They also run tourism services, including campsites and vehicle tours. Zweideh are not entirely dependent on tourism for their livelihood, having access to a large underground water source that enables them to practice profitable agriculture

Amazing Places To See

There are many places worth visiting in Wadi Rum Which we bet you will come back to visit someday

Lawrence's house

Nobody is certain that this was Lawrence’s house, although there are stories that he both stayed and/or stored weapons here. The current structure is built upon the remains of a Nabataean building.

Seven Pillars of Wisdom

Although most people can only count five, this is an impressive rock formation near the Visitor’s centre. It is named after T.E Lawrence’s book – not the other way around!

Burdah Rock Bridge

On many tours, you only view this from a distance, but it is possible to climb up to this rock bridge if you have a guide and a reasonable level of fitness.

Jebel Khaz'ali

This narrow canyon contains numerous Nabataean rock carvings of people and animals.

The Nabataean Temple

Near the Rest House in Rum Village. The surrounding area is covered in Thamudic and Kufic rock art.

We Are Closer Than You Expect

You can contact us on one of the following numbers, and certainly ask, inquire and book through them :






Wadi Rum Desert

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