Amazing places to see

There are many places worth visiting in Wadi Rum Which we bet you will come back to visit someday

Lawrence's house

Nobody is certain that this was Lawrence’s house, although there are stories that he both stayed and/or stored weapons here. The current structure is built upon the remains of a Nabataean building, however, and it is another beautiful place in the desert

Lawrence's spring

Just 3km (1.8 miles) south-west of the village of Rum. The spring is at the top of a short scramble – head for the fig tree! Although the pool itself is largely unprepossessing, being a stagnant puddle, the views across the desert are truly spectacular.

Seven Pillars of Wisdom

Although most people can only count five, this is an impressive rock formation near the Visitor’s centre. It is named after T.E Lawrence’s book – not the other way around!

Burdah Rock Bridge

On many tours, you only view this from a distance, but it is possible to climb up to this rock bridge if you have a guide and a reasonable level of fitness.

Umm Fruth Rock Bridge

A lower rock bridge, which is featured on many tours and can be easily scrambled onto.

The Nabataean Temple

Near the Rest House in Rum Village. The surrounding area is covered in Thamudic and Kufic rock art.

Red Sand Dunes

A lower rock bridge, which is featured on many tours and can be easily scrambled onto.

Jebel Khaz'ali

This narrow canyon contains numerous Nabataean rock carvings of people and animals.

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